Good news! Halloween Meltdown is BACK for a second year! And it’s bigger than ever! John Waters and the $500 Costume Contest are back, but we will also get to see the historic Mosswood House turn into a Haunted Mansion!!! And the lineup? It’s pretty much magic. We see the triumphant return of Demolition Doll Rods. We have rare appearances from The Spits and Josie Cotton. Living legends Lydia Lunch and Kid Congo Powers will be there, too! Plus Amyl & The Sniffers, Shannon & The Clams, FUZZ, Sheer Mag, Body Double, NIIS, and more to come! VIP & GA tickets are on sale now, and you should buy them soon because I’m scared they will sell out. (Get it? Halloween? Scared?)
Tag: Fuzz
Burger Booglaoo 2015: The Best Show Around

When I visited Gonpachi, the restaurant that inspired Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol. 1, I watched as a teenage bus boy, carrying a tub of dirty dishes, tripped on the second floor landing, sending a cascade of water on two well-suited Japanese business men at the bar below. Resulting in a flash and flury of apologies, towels, and more apologies, I waited for something to happen.
In all honesty, I hoped this was the open action sequence to a movie – the bus boy, who would *really* be an bus GIRL would be a high-stakes arms dealer attempting to get far undercover into mob headquarters to take out the mob boss who’d killed her father. Amid the building tension and suspicion, Mr. Mob, realizing his restaurant would now be the scene for said revenge, The 5, 6, 7, 8’s would loudly tear into: “I’m Blue.” Brilliantly choreographed knife and fist fights (imagine Kill Bill meets The Raid) between our starring underdog crime fighter lady and the mob’s henchmen would ensue. And above the nash of fists, faces, and katana swords and the interlude of “Bomb the Twist”, John Waters would quietly take the open seat next to me: “Soooo, hmm, yakitori?” he would ask calmly, coyly peeking at me through delighted eyes.
Continue reading “Burger Booglaoo 2015: The Best Show Around“
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/14/15-5/21/15

Enjoy another fine week of rock n roll in the bay! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/14/15-5/21/15”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 7/5/13-7/10/13

This is a short week. I didn’t want to work on Independence Day. Still, there is plenty left to do this week, so I hope you didn’t party too hard last night!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 7/5/13-7/10/13”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/16/13-5/22/13

Sometimes I get exhausted just putting this list together, let alone trying to figure out how I can be in 20 places at once…
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/16/13-5/22/13”