The best thing about a festival is tripping over your new favorite band, not hearing The Who do “My Generation” for the 4,000th time. So, I present to you here are your ten new favorite acts… all pulled from the bottom half of the Outside Lands poster. Still haven’t bought tickets? Well, there’s still time. Just click here!
Continue reading “Outside Lands 2017: Top 10 Acts from The Bottom Half of The Poster”
Tag: Bomba Estereo
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/28/13-4/3/13

Hello there, Bay Area live music lover. As we reach April, we know that the next 30 days will be quite busy. We haven’t even started with the Coachella bands coming to town, and, well, I’m already exhausted just looking at this thing!
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Our Guide to the 2012 Outside Lands Music Festival

Every year, every festival in America claims to have the “best line up ever!” Well, San Francisco’s Outside Lands Music Festival has made to its 5th year, and they really are going to have a seriously difficult time topping this year’s event. Of course, this means that there are conflicts galore! You’ve got six stages of entertainment to try to decide between at any time of day.
The schedule can be awfully intimidating. Which is why I’m here to help guide you through the complex maze that is the Outside Lands schedule. Without further ado, here is SpinningPlatters’ Official Guide to Outside Lands 2012.
Continue reading “Our Guide to the 2012 Outside Lands Music Festival”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/19/11-5/25/11

This is kind of a slow show week… You know what’s great about living in the Bay Area? Prince, Kylie Minogue, Jenny Lewis, and Poncho Sanchez are all playing a “slow” week. This place is awesome!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/19/11-5/25/11”