So, it looks like the people of the ABC are getting super angry, and are doing some nasty things to our DNA. It also looks like the economy is laying to waste one of San Francisco’s greatest venues at the end of the year. So, please, please help keep live music alive by going to a show or two this week. And next week is Black Friday, a day that you will be shopping early in the morning. I suggest all of our readers power shop, then power nap, and then attend an all ages show somewhere in town, then head to Annie’s Social Club afterwards for some late night punk rock karaoke. But, we won’t have an extensive Black Friday show guide until next Wednesday. Until then, here’s this week:
Wednesday, November 18th
Nitzer Ebb, King Loses Crown, DJ Unit 11 at Slim’s, 9 PM
Nitzer Ebb’s main members were 15 years old in 1982, when they began their experiment with brutal electronic music. They took the burgeoning new wave sound, and gave it a much needed kick of aggression. 27 years later, these guys are a mere 42 years old, and still able to play with a youthful spunk that many of their predecessors can no longer do.
Julian Plenti (Interpol), I’m In You at Great American Music Hall, 9 PM
Thursday, November 19th
Judgement Day, La Fin Du Monde, Grayceon at Annie’s Social Club, 9 PM
Five more weeks of the greatest Annie’s Social Club. I know they don’t have karaoke this night, but they do have the great Judgement Day, which may be the best heavy metal band in the Bay Area that doesn’t have a guitarist, if not the best over-all metal band to come out of the bay, EVER! (Testament? Exodus? Blue Cheer? Nope. It’s these guys!)
Them Crooked Vultures, Mini Mansions at The Fox Theater – Oakland, 8 PM
Friday, November 20th
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Faun Fables at The Independent, 9 PM
Oakland’s legendary Sleepytime Gorilla Museum are a rare breed of band that we used to produce like bunny rabbits. They are theatrical prog-metal created partially on handmande instruments and always bring something unexpected in to their performances.
Fiery Furnaces, Cryptacize, Dent May at Slim’s, 9 PM
I just needed to mention the cruelty of bookings in this town, once again. Another great experimental rock band playing at the same time as a great experimental rock band.
Saturday, November 21st
Cafe Tacuba at The Fox Theater – Oakland, 8 PM
I could describe Cafe Tacuba in my own words, or I can paraphrase the words of a good friend of mine that saw them open for Beck many years ago. “They started out sounding like something you heard playing out of someone’s car in LA really loud, too early in the morning. Then they sounded like heavy metal. Then, I had no idea what was going on…” Got it? Good.
FLESHIES, The Underground Railroad To Candyland, NoBunny, Distant Voices, Out Of Spite at 924 Gilman St, 8 PM
Sunday, November 22nd
Friendly Fires, The xx, Holly Miranda at The Independent, 8 PM
All three of these acts have been spent their time on this tour fighting to see who is going to get more press on the music nerd blogs. The exhaustion of such fighting has caused a member of The xx to quit. (I think they are winning, too!) Go pay a shady looking guy in a trenchcoat $100 to see this show. (Also selling out November 23rd… I’m just bitter I’ve been sold out of this show, it’s going to be really good.)
Thrice, The Dear Hunter, Polar Bear Club at The Regency Ballroom, 7:30 PM
Monday, November 23rd
Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Jug Band, Devine’s Jug Band at Cafe du Nord, 8 PM
Now that it’s time to dust off your copy of Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas for repeated viewing, every day for the next 27 days, you should get warmed up by seeing not one, but two bands that hold that influence very close. It’s also a rare treat to hear the great Lavay Smith m0ve out of her comfort zone, and take some risks, or possibly make jug music sexy again.
Tuesday, November 24th
GWAR, Job For A Cowboy, The Red Chord at The Regency Ballroom, 8 PM
It’s hard to believe that GWAR have been doing their traveling mini-rock opera touring ensemble for 25 years… Always a great show, filled with surprises and a delightful cast of characters. Spinning Platters will be providing full coverage of this event- so much that if you don’t make it, your computer will spit blood at you.
I want to see Emmett Otter’s Jug band!!! Boo!!! Though an evening of modern jug bands intrigues me. Though I don’t know if anyone can beat the Rough & Ready Jug Band Sunday spiritual sing along…
The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts is showing Emmett Otter’s Jug -Band Christmas December 20th. The uncut version not available on home video. http://www.ybca.org/tickets/production/view.aspx?id=10445