I hope that you all have recovered from Coachella weekend, or whatever else you did last weekend. I’m sure you went to plenty of shows… But you aren’t sick of them, are you? Good.
Thursday, April 21st
OFF!, Culture Kids, Ecoli at Eagle Tavern
This LA punk rock super group consists of Keith Morris of Circle Jerks, Red Kross’ Steven Shane Morris, Rocket From The Crypt’s Mario Rubcalba, and Dimitri Coats of Burning Brides. What to do they sound like? Several short bursts of epic noisy ferocity with the kind of pop hooks that LA punk bands are famous for. This is going to be a delirious, spastic show. (Also playing 924 Gilman St on 4/22)
Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes, Old Crow Medicine Show at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
(Sorry, I can’t stand Edward Sharpe… No video from him.)
Friday, April 22nd
Kurt Vile & The Violators, RTX, Carletta Sue Kay at Bottom Of The Hill
How often do you get a perfect triple bill? Carletta Sue Kay does ridiculous freak folk, with a touch of soul. RTX once were known as Royal Trux, one of the great noise acts of the 90’s. Kurt Vile does mopey, fuzzy folk rock better than almost everyone around. All in one gig? A ridiculous night.
Questlove at Mezzanine
You know, the Jimmy Fallon guy!
Saturday, April 23rd
Jello Biafra & The Guantanamo School Of Medicine, The Restarts, Dreadful Children, Bum City Saints at Thee Parkside
The greatest voice in punk rock seems to be very productive these days. He’s playing a lot of shows, but here’s a rare all ages gig at Thee Parkside featuring Jello as well as a great selection on other catchy punk bands. This is a 2 PM gig, and the venue has another show at 7, so really don’t be late.
Garage A Trois, Amendola Vs Blades at The Independent
Sunday, April 24th
Two Gallants, Kacey Johansing, Pancho-san at Bottom Of The Hill
After taking a couple years off for Adam Stephens to try out a solo career, SF’s finest blues rock duo is finally gigging again! This is very exciting… This duo plays some of the most potent music that two people can make, and the live circuit has been sorely missing them.
Biz Markie, Casual, Zman at Mezzanine
Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Rick Ro$$, Travis Barker, Mix Master Mike at Oracle Arena
Monday, April 25th
Travis Barker & Mix Master Mike at The Independent
What happens when you get one of music’s most versatile drummers and one of the most innovative (the most?) turntable artists in the history of art? Um… I’m not really sure, but it’s probably gonna be pretty good.
Paul Simon at Davies Symphony Hall
I grew up listening to this guy. My parent’s made sure that I knew who Paul Simon is, and I am forever grateful for that one thing. He’s doing 3 sold out gigs in the Bay Area this week, and the will all be awesome for whomever gets in.
Tuesday, April 26th
tUnE-yArDs, Man/Miracle, Buke & Gass at Great American Music Hall
Oakland really is a musical hotbed right now. Many, many very gifted musicians are staking a claim on the national scene with some truly innovative stuff. Merrill Garbus, aka tUnE-yArDs, is near the top of that heap, gaining some serious press with her latest record, the brilliant & innovative w h o k i l l. Don’t miss her at Great American Music Hall, because next time won’t be so intimate.
Jamaica, Chain Gang of 1974 at The Independent
Wednesday, April 27th
Steve Ignorant presents CRASS songs 1977-1982, Goldblade at Slim’s
Every young punk goes through a CRASS period. These socialist punks put their values first, and actually lived the socialist lifestyle to the best of their abilities in a capitalist world. They even had their own commune in the farms of England. Of course, with such ideology, they did eventually fizzle. A few started the pop deconstructionalists Chumbawamba. But, in an era where everything seems to be falling apart, and capitalism may actually implode, it feels good to see that vocalist Steve Ignorant is singing some of these classic songs live again.
Mindy Smith, Sunny War at The Independent