Film Feature: Carrie’s Top 10 Films of 2023

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for: my 2023 cinematic favorites! You can also check out fellow film critic Chad Liffmann’s list here to compare and contrast and see who you agree with more. Will Oscar voters agree with us? We’ll find out when the nominations are announced on January 23rd!

Continue reading “Film Feature: Carrie’s Top 10 Films of 2023”

Film Feature: Chad’s Top 20 Films of 2023

Film Feature: Chad’s Top 20 Films of 2023

It’s been a great year for movies. All the hubbub about the ‘worst films of the year’ list that Variety put out is making a lot of noise, so I’d like to fire back with a Top 20 of the year list. There are so many to choose from, just look at the thirty movie posters above, all of which I’d consider very good films, great films, and even a few masterpieces. This is not a year to point out the worst, but rather one in which we should highlight the surplus of quality films released. Without further ado, here’s my ranked top twenty of 2023:

  1. Fancy Dance

A criminally underseen indie film in which Lily Gladstone gives another memorable performance playing a resident of the Seneca–Cayuga Nation Reservation searching for her missing sister.

Continue reading “Film Feature: Chad’s Top 20 Films of 2023”


SOUND THE ALARM! It’s time to start planning your 2024 ALREADY!!! Noise Pop dropped their Phase 1 lineup, and it goes on sale TOMORROW! Highlights include two nights of Snail Mail at Great American Music Hall (including one night with The legendary Softies opening!), The Mountain Goats are doing a stripped-down, solo acoustic set (at Grace Cathedral, of all places!), Nine Inch Nails’ (and first ever Italian to get inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, in case you were wondering) Alessandro Cortini is playing Gray Area, and many other Spinning Platters favorites like Cherry Glazerr, chokecherry, Kendra Morris, Thee Sinseers, Roman Candle and more! Full lineup below! Tickets for single shows are on sale 11/10 at 10am here. A limited number of badges remain and you can grab those here

Noise Pop 31 Dates Revealed!

(Photo of Thank You Come Again by Marc Fong

It’s not even Halloween yet, but it’s time to start getting ready for next Winter’s festivals! Noise Pop decided to extend to 11 whole days for next year, which is BONKERS! So it’s time to clear your calendar and stock up on hangover remedies so you can destroy your eardrums from February 22nd – March 3rd. 

Early Bird badges are SOLD OUT, but watch this page for the next release. It’s certainly going to be worth the money. 

Film Feature: Preview #3 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival

The 46th Mill Valley Film Festival is now underway! For a full view of special awards, spotlights, and centerpiece films, check out the complete festival guide. Tickets can be purchased here. 

Below is our third preview of the Festival, featuring brief looks at four more films (If you missed our other preview posts, you can find them here and here):

Continue reading “Film Feature: Preview #3 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival”

Film Feature: Preview #2 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival

Our coverage of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival, which starts tomorrow, Thursday Oct. 5th, and runs through Sunday, Oct. 15th, continues below. We take a look at four titles worthy of your attention: two documentaries and two narrative features. You can browse the full program here, and read our first preview post here. Be sure to bookmark Spinning Platters to check back for more film snapshots during the Fest! And special note: although the Festival’s in person screenings end on the 15th, several films will be available for streaming after the Fest closes.

Continue reading “Film Feature: Preview #2 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival”

Film Feature: Preview #1 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival


The 46th Mill Valley Film Festival will take place Oct 5 – Oct 15, 2023, with screenings at theaters all around the North and East Bay (and a few in SF).

For a full view of special awards, spotlights, and centerpiece films, check out the complete festival guide. Tickets can be purchased here. 

Below is a preview of the festival, featuring brief looks at four films:

Continue reading “Film Feature: Preview #1 of the 46th Mill Valley Film Festival”

Spinning Platters Interview: Izzy Bizu: Direct From Outside Lands

Guess what?!? This is the first time I’ve ever recorded an interview with the intent of the video being seen and not heard. And it was with the incredibly talented and friendly Izzy Bizu! Her most recent EP is a horn-laden bit of R&B confection called Flower Power and can be enjoyed RIGHT NOW from your favorite streaming service here

I also took some photos with her from the Outside Lands Press Tent:

Outside Lands 2023: 22 Instant Set Reviews

Happy 15th Birthday, Outside Lands! I’ve been to 13 out of 15, which are pretty good odds if you ask me! And despite this being the “year of the throwing stuff at bands,” this may have been the kindest, friendliest Outside Lands yet! I don’t think I’ve had more lovely conversations with strangers in three days at any other point in my life. Folks were consistently watching out for each other on the ground, working together to get medical attention for folks quickly, even at the risk of losing their spot, sharing food and water, and all around being grade-A music fans. I had the most amazing Creole Garlic Noodles of my life. I had the worst vegan experiment of my life- a veggie lamb slider (I won’t tag the restaurant here). I had plenty of Rocko’s Ice Cream Tacos because Outside Lands isn’t complete without at least 1 taco a day. 

Continue reading “Outside Lands 2023: 22 Instant Set Reviews”

Outside Lands Set Times Announced!

It’s the time of year again!! When you get to stress over the Outside Lands, schedule for a week and a half, attempting to both optimize your experience and agonize over clashes. Not only that but there are now TWO dance music areas instead of one… So get ready to figure out the fastest way between the SOMA Tent and Dolores’ stage. Feel free to plot your own schedule here. And, obviously, if you are foolish and haven’t picked up tickets yet, you can still get Sunday GA and Golden Gate Club tickets here

Now, on with the schedule: Continue reading “Outside Lands Set Times Announced!”