If you’ve listened to the new Kate Nash album, My Best Friend is You, you wouldn’t have been surprised by what you heard last night at Bottom of the Hill. Unfortunately it seemed most of the audience hadn’t. Kate Nash played mostly new songs and while I was looking forward to dancing around with the crowd to those songs, I guess nobody else was. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Continue reading “Show Review: Kate Nash with Supercute! at Bottom of the Hill, 5/8/10”
Author: Vanessa Romero
Show Review: Everybody Was In The French Resistance… Now! with A B and the Sea and Carletta Sue Kay at Bottom of the Hill, 4/27/10

Fellow Spinning Platters writer Marie Carney and I decided to take a different approach to writing a review of last night’s show from Everybody Was In The French Resistance… Now! at Bottom of the Hill. Taking a cue from singer Eddie Argos, best known from the band Art Brut where he also tends to speak-sing the lyrics, we decided to write a show review in conversation. I hope we would make Eddie proud. Continue reading “Show Review: Everybody Was In The French Resistance… Now! with A B and the Sea and Carletta Sue Kay at Bottom of the Hill, 4/27/10”
Album Review: Kate Nash – My Best Friend Is You
Kate Nash’s second release, My Best Friend Is You manages to circumvent the usual route taken by hyped artists’ sophomore releases. It’s not about the perils of fame and it’s not experimental for difference sake nor does it sound like Made of Bricks: The Sequel. Kate Nash managed to release a second album that contains the same quirky lyrics about love, friendship and self from her debut but with an overall more mature sound that comes about in a really wonderful way. Continue reading “Album Review: Kate Nash — My Best Friend Is You”
Spinning Platters Picks Six: Christmas Songs It’s Okay to Like

I’m not that much of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas, I’m actually a bit of a nerd and enjoy it quite a bit, but even all the Christmas songs start to drive me crazy after a while. So here are my six songs I think it’s ok to like, or that won’t drive you crazy (I hope). Feel free to leave your favorite non-annoying Christmas song suggestions in the comments. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Christmas Songs It’s Okay to Like”
Album Review: Julian Casablancas – Phrazes for the Young
Although there was already a mini review of the new album by The Strokes’ Julian Casablancas, Phrazes for the Young, in our New Release Round Up feature last week, I think it deserves few more words coming from one of those “Strokes fans” mentioned.
Truthfully, after the disappointment of the last Strokes album, First Impressions of Earth, I haven’t been as eagerly awaiting a new Strokes album as I would have been before. And especially after hearing some of the solo material by other members of the band, it was obvious that together or separately, the band had a a lot to offer. Now finally an album has been released by the band’s main songwriter and voice: Julian Casablancas, the last member to venture into a solo project.
Continue reading “Album Review: Julian Casablancas — Phrazes for the Young”
Show Review: The Gossip and MEN at The Regency Ballroom, 10/25/09

Can I take a nap instead of writing this review? Believe it or not, that’s a complement to last night’s show by The Gossip. I’m exhausted and that’s often the most tell-tale way for me to know I had fun at a show. Continue reading “Show Review: The Gossip and MEN at The Regency Ballroom, 10/25/09”
Album Review: Emmy the Great – First Love
I’m kind of a sucker for female singers with a British accent. Ok wait, I’m kind of a sucker for British accents in general, but let’s ignore that for now. Lucky for me there seems to have been some point in the last few years when the music industry decided that the new “it” thing was female British singers. I won’t name them, but you know who I’m talking about: they are always grouped together even though their musical styles are different just because they are of the same gender and geographical area. First Love, the debut album by Emmy the Great (aka Emma-Lee Moss), might fit the quirky-folk contingent. Continue reading “Album Review: Emmy the Great — First Love”
Show Review: Fran Healy & Andy Dunlop from Travis at The Swedish American Hall, 10/8/09
This event was billed as “An Evening with Fran Healy and Andy Dunlop from Travis: A Chronological Acoustic Journey Through the Travis Back Catalogue- Laugh Out Loud Stories, Scottish Accents, Handsome Scottish Men, Naked Torsos.” Although one of these things didn’t occur (the naked torsos) I’m not sure I can do a better job describing the show then they did, but here goes.
Album Review: Arctic Monkeys – Humbug

Arctic Monkeys – Humbug
Retail Release Date: August 25th, 2009
Leaky Faucet Acquisition Date: July 30th, 2009
The negative of listening to an early leaked version of an album is the possibility of subpar sound quality. I really hope that this is what’s going on with the new Arctic Monkeys album Humbug and not that this is the way they meant it to sound. Continue reading “Album Review: Arctic Monkeys — Humbug”