Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 4/28/11 – 5/4/11

He thought he was playing The Fillmore tonight, but it's not him.

Since I’m filling in recommending shows to see this week, I’m changing things up! Some nights, I’ll recommend only one show, meaning if you’re not seeing this, you can stay home, play with the cats, cook dinner for your loved ones, or anything else you feel like doing. And other nights, I’ll recommend many shows, which means if you’re not at a show, you’d better have a darned good excuse!  (And if you’re in Vegas this weekend, say hi. Click that cool floating contact bar on the left.) Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 4/28/11 – 5/4/11”

The Stern Grove 2011 Lineup

Find any official Stern Grove web presence, and you’ll see that the lineup will be announced May 2. Well, yesterday it leaked, and although it was quickly “unleaked,” you can’t truly unleak stuff on the Internet. This isn’t Orwell’s 1984 (yet), so because I know, I want all the music junkies to know. (Good thing we have a website for music nerds.)

Why should people want to know right away? Because Stern Grove on a Sunday in the city is one of the greatest traditions we have, and all my friends who work Sundays can start planning now. Check out Stern Grove’s website for more details come Monday, May 2, but you can put in your time-off requests now. Continue reading “The Stern Grove 2011 Lineup”

Show Review: Railroad Revival Tour (Mumford & Sons) at Oakland Middle Shoreline Park, 4/21/2011

Not technically the headliners, but you could've fooled me

The Railroad Revival Tour is a concept tour package where one of the main conceits is that all the bands have equal billing and play equal set lengths. That’s a nice thing to say, but the tickets sold lightning quick due to the recent boom of success of Mumford & Sons. While they weren’t officially the headliner, the singing along told another story. But by the end of the show, they convinced me that this was, indeed, a true group package. Seeing all three bands was a bit of a challenge, but worth it. Continue reading “Show Review: Railroad Revival Tour (Mumford & Sons) at Oakland Middle Shoreline Park, 4/21/2011”

Show Review: The Joy Formidable with The Lonely Forest at Bottom of the Hill, 4/14/2011

They've come from North Wales to kick our asses

The Joy Formidable is a hard band to describe to people. I’ve seen them called “ecstatic dance rock,” “evolutionary shoegaze,” and last night, one extremely drunk fan called them “the best band in the world!” over and over again until the rest of the crowd finally told him to shut up. As an admitted obsessive fan, I’m not sure I have anything particularly wise or witty to add to the conversation, other than an excited “fuck yeah!” in response to the aforementioned drunk fan. That makes me both the right and wrong person to be reviewing the band, so here I go. Continue reading “Show Review: The Joy Formidable with The Lonely Forest at Bottom of the Hill, 4/14/2011”

Show Review: Scala & Kolacny Brothers at The Independent, 4/12/2011

Guess which 2 of the 24 people on stage are the Kolacny Brothers

Scala & Kolacny Brothers need marketing help. They admitted during their set on Tuesday night that the had sold “500,000 units in Europe, and about 50 in the U.S.,” and asked us, “tonight, let’s make it 60!” Part of this is probably due to piracy, but part of this must be name recognition. I told many people beforehand that I was going to see them tonight, and they said, “who?” I said, “Y’know, the group that does the cover of ‘Creep’ from the Social Network trailer.”

“Oh! Them! I bet that’ll be good.” But none of them came. The crowd was made up of people more likely to be seen at a classical music event than at the Independent. But then again, the Independent has proven itself to be a versatile venue. So how would a Belgian choir go over on a cold San Francisco night?

Continue reading “Show Review: Scala & Kolacny Brothers at The Independent, 4/12/2011”

Wondercon: The 2011 Film Panels


Geoff Johns (love his Flash stuff with Kolins) asks Ryan Reynolds why he's so awesome. (Photo from Nicole Abalde on Flickr. Thanks for sharing!)

The 2011 Wondercon film panel lineup was the worst in recent memory. It was more notable for what was missing (Captain America, Thor, Super 8, Pirates of the Caribbean) than what was there (Immortals, Priest, The Three Musketeers). Jon Favreau noticed that movies weren’t prioritizing Wondercon for their promotion, and I can’t say I understand why. Was it the relative commercial failure of such ComicCon-loved properties such as Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim? Or was it really all just about scheduling? But we did have film panels on Saturday (and one on Friday), so I was there. And this is what I saw. Continue reading “Wondercon: The 2011 Film Panels”

Gordon Answers Your 2011 SXSW Questions

Kim asks, "who wants to ask Gordon a SXSW question?" Photos on this post by David Price unless otherwise noted.

Welcome to my annual tradition of answering the SXSW questions you didn’t know you had! And here are this year’s questions.

1. What over-hyped band was the first one I saw, and surprised me by being excellent?
2. Who brought horns and a bunch of new songs, and got me to see them twice?
3. Who is still my favorite new band discovery of 2009, even as they totally destroy in 2011?
4. What hip-hop performer made even this hip-hop-know-nothing stand up and take notice?
5. What band blew the circuit breaker — twice, got cut off for time, and got to finish their set after the crowd yelled for more?
6. Who had the most frustrating technical difficulties?
7. Who’s possibly the best live act in the world today?
8. And if it’s not them, who is it?
9. What greatly anticipated import lived up to my expectations, and then some, but then got screwed over?
10. Who was the best guitar player in Austin during SXSW 2011?
11. What Kaiser Chiefs song was I honestly singing while waiting for Death From Above 1979 to play on Saturday night?
12. What’s this I hear about overcrowded, over-commercial SXSW? Is it true?

Click for the answers! Continue reading “Gordon Answers Your 2011 SXSW Questions”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/10/11 – 3/16/11

You can say Hey! to this at the Rickshaw Stop on Friday night.

So it’s the run up to our annual journey to SXSW in Austin, and frankly, I haven’t been paying too much attention to what’s playing here in the Bay Area this week. But if our SXSW previews are meaningless to you because you’re staying here (as I assume most of you are), it turns out there’s plenty of good music happening right here at home, as usual. So here’s some good spots to spend your hard earned dollar. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/10/11 – 3/16/11”

Spinning Platters Picks Seven: Canadian Artists You Should See at SXSW

Young, wild and free, but not at SXSW this year. But my picks have got the magic power of the music in them, too.

I love Canada. There was time when I could sing “Oh, Canada.” In French. I still know it in English. After all, it’s the home of hockey, Rush, William Shatner, and Molson. These are not trivial things. For years, I’ve wanted to be Canadian, going so far as looking into emigrating. Alas, I’m still here, happy in the Bay Area, but when I really want to feel Canadian, I’ll listen to some great Canadian music. And at SXSW this year, there will be plenty of acts from the Great White North worth checking out. No, Rush won’t be there, but these fine musicians will be: Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Seven: Canadian Artists You Should See at SXSW”

Spinning Platters Picks Six: International Bands Worth Seeing at SXSW That I’d Never Heard Of Before

You may not have heard of these guys either, but you will.

Suggesting bands to check out at SXSW can be really easy if you want it to be. There’s some definite winners in the “Been there done that” category this year: Friendly Fires, Matt & Kim, and Wallpaper come to mind. Then there’s the “buzz bands worthy of buzz” category, which this year includes Geographer, The Naked & Famous, and my personal faves The Joy Formidable. But that’s a bit boring; these bands will come to (or are from) San Francisco.

What’s fun for me is to find bands from outside North America that I’d never heard of before seeing them on the SXSW schedule. A few clicks and I hear a song, a few more and I’m hearing an album. Finally, I’m looking forward to seeing them live in a couple of weeks. Feel free to give me crap if I “should have heard of” one of these artists. I wish I had! Now, on with the list: Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: International Bands Worth Seeing at SXSW That I’d Never Heard Of Before”