Week in Review: Top 5 Posts for Oct 16-23

Sunglasses are cool.
Sunglasses are cool.

Every week I post our top 5 most trafficked posts for the week, and every week someone complains that their post didn’t have a chance because it went up the same day I calculated the winners.  I didn’t realize that the writers here were gambling on the outcome, but it turns out there’s quite a large (virtual) office pool going on over this.  Why just last week, Vanessa won SIXTEEN whole M&Ms by writing the most read post.  Oh, what’s this?  I forgot to do the week in review last week because I was too busy getting ready for Treasure Island? Sorry, Vanessa!  I owe you some M&Ms.

And because of this, I’ll now be doing this weekly review on Saturdays. And with that said, the top 5 posts for this week!

1. Gordon Elgart’s review of Stone Temple Pilots at the Fox Oakland on 10/20/09

2. Dakin Hardwick’s letter of appreciation to The Flaming Lips

3. Jonathan Pirro’s review of Echo & the Bunnymen at the Fox Oakland on 10/22/09

4. Gordon Elgart’s Treasure Island Festival Diary, Part 2.  (Read part 1 and part 3 as well.)

5. David Price’s review of MGMT at The Independent on 10/16/09

Gordon Elgart

A music nerd who probably uses that term too much. I have a deep love for bombastic, quirky and dynamic music.

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Author: Gordon Elgart

A music nerd who probably uses that term too much. I have a deep love for bombastic, quirky and dynamic music.