A mere four hours before the show, I get a call from a friend of mine asking me if I want to usher the Black Keys show at the Fox, telling me I could sell my tickets and watch the show for free. After giving it a moment’s thought, I politely declined knowing full well that I wanted to plant myself up in front of that stage to get the full experience I had been waiting for since first falling in love with the band.
And plant myself, I did. After hurriedly eating a snack at The Den, I rushed over to make sure I could find a spot where there wasn’t a 6’5″ dude standing in front of me (being only 5’2″, this is usually a problem). Third layer from the railing, and a bunch of girls similar in height meant I should be fine once the show actually started.
There was only one opening band, calling themselves The Makeout Party. Hailing from Anaheim, California, they reminded me of The Muppet Band, complete with that 70’s look and songs about birthday suits and kitties. I wish I could have heard the lyrics better as they seemed like a band I would actually enjoy. Their set lasted about 30 minutes, but they seemed concerned about running out of material in that time, as there was plenty of banter in between songs.
At 9:15 pm the lights go down, and The Black Keys come on stage. The set begins with “Everywhere I Go” from Thickfreakness. I close my eyes and let the guitar grooves wash over me.
I understand that there are different genres of music out there. I myself have been on a synth, dance-pop binge as of late. But it’s damn refreshing to hear some good, unadulterated Rock N’ Roll. No keyboards, no mixers on stage, there’s not even a bass! Just some excellent guitar playing provided by Dan Auerbach, and foot thumping drumming from Patrick Carney. There’s no room for hip shaking here, you must bang your head. I even had to bring out my air guitar for one of my favorite songs, “Your Touch,” which was extended from the album version.
This is the kind of music for which Guitar Hero and Rock Band were made. It’s just too bad The Black Keys songs are not available to download, otherwise I’d be Dan Auerbach playing live from my living room.
My only qualms with the whole show was that it ended way to early, around 10:30 pm, and they only played two songs for the encore. The last BART back to the city isn’t until 12:45 am! Come on!
Regardless, seeing The Black Keys at the incredibly beautiful and “fancy” Fox Theater was awesome.
p.s. it’s not Rock N’ Roll to throw your drink at the lead singer, it’s drunk and disorderly.