Show Review: Henry Rollins Turns 50 at The Independent, 4/9/2011

Henry Rollins, from last week at the Triple Door in Seattle.

Henry Rollins is a Black Flag speed-demon driven by fear of falling into the cold reaping hand of hypocrisy. In his efforts to keep it real, Rollins embarked on a massive 50th birthday tour that covered close to 40 appearances around the country, wrapping up with his final show, here at The Independent. As always, Rollins’ brand of storytelling and humor is fresh and fascinating, which often leaves the bartender short-changed by the end of the evening. Continue reading “Show Review: Henry Rollins Turns 50 at The Independent, 4/9/2011”

Wondercon: The 2011 Film Panels


Geoff Johns (love his Flash stuff with Kolins) asks Ryan Reynolds why he's so awesome. (Photo from Nicole Abalde on Flickr. Thanks for sharing!)

The 2011 Wondercon film panel lineup was the worst in recent memory. It was more notable for what was missing (Captain America, Thor, Super 8, Pirates of the Caribbean) than what was there (Immortals, Priest, The Three Musketeers). Jon Favreau noticed that movies weren’t prioritizing Wondercon for their promotion, and I can’t say I understand why. Was it the relative commercial failure of such ComicCon-loved properties such as Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim? Or was it really all just about scheduling? But we did have film panels on Saturday (and one on Friday), so I was there. And this is what I saw. Continue reading “Wondercon: The 2011 Film Panels”

Show Review: Metalliance Tour featuring Helmet, Saint Vitus, Crowbar, Kylesa, Red Fang, Howl, and Atlas Moth at The Mezzanine, 4/3/2011

Page Hamilton, frontman of Helmet, the headliners of the Metalliance Tour
Page Hamilton, frontman of Helmet, the headliners of the Metalliance Tour

October 22nd, 2006. That was the final day for a San Francisco club known as The Pound, a smallish, low building stranded out in the middle of the dreary reaches of Pier 96 near Heron’s Head Park. For true metalheads of the Bay Area, it was a dark day in history, for no venue besides the Pound was better known for providing a consistent schedule of hardcore punk, furious grindcore, and every genre of metal under the sun (which, considering metal, is quite a lot). While larger clubs like Slim’s and the Regency Ballroom have stepped up to the plate to try and appease the hundreds of roaring voices that bellow out for the return of a good metal venue, they have been hard pressed to draw the same underground caliber that the Pound was able to pull in night after night. If the Mezzanine continues to host shows like Sunday night’s Metalliance Tour, however, then we may once again have a contender that fares well in the ring.

Continue reading “Show Review: Metalliance Tour featuring Helmet, Saint Vitus, Crowbar, Kylesa, Red Fang, Howl, and Atlas Moth at The Mezzanine, 4/3/2011”

Show Review: Hunx and His Punx with Shannon and the Clams and Grass Widow at Bottom of the Hill, 4/2/11

Hunx plays hard to get with a fan at SXSW last month. Photo by Nev Brown.

Hunx and His Punx played a sold-out record release show for their debut LP, Too Young To Be In Love (Hardly Art), at Bottom of the Hill on Saturday night. Also on hand were Shannon and the Clams (featuring Punx VIP Shannon Shaw), who were celebrating the release of their sophomore album, Sleep Talk. And as if that wasn’t enough, we also got the dependably awesome Grass Widow (recently seen playing with Wild Flag) as the opener. Needless to say, a fun time was had by all.

Continue reading “Show Review: Hunx and His Punx with Shannon and the Clams and Grass Widow at Bottom of the Hill, 4/2/11”

Show Review: Uh Huh Her at Great American Music Hall, 3/29/2011

Uh Huh Her playing at Toronto Pride in 2008. Photo by Jenny Rotten.

Uh Huh Her, a.k.a. Camila Grey (formerly of Mellowdrone) and immortal lesbian crush-girl Leisha Hailey (of The Murmurs and The L Word), are on a small club tour testing new material from their upcoming sophomore LP. Last night they introduced some new jams, as well as fan favorites from their 2008 debut album, Common Reaction, to a small but devoted crowd at Great American Music Hall. Did the audience respond favorably to the new tracks? Could anyone hear the new tracks over the incessant shrieks of Ms. Hailey’s name? Did she finally admit to killing Jenny? Look after the jump to find out.

Continue reading “Show Review: Uh Huh Her at Great American Music Hall, 3/29/2011”

Show Review: Jay Nash with Joey Ryan & Kenneth Pattengale at Cafe du Nord, 3/27/2011

The last time I saw Jay Nash live was August of 2009. Truth be told, I was there to see Tony Lucca, and I’d never heard of Jay Nash (or Matt Duke) before! Fast forward to going on two years later, and I’m hooked on this guy’s voice. Since then, the trio has formed the occasional band TFDI, released an EP, and as yet evaded the Bay Area (as a band, anyway). So as you might imagine, I wasn’t going to let a little rain stop me from getting to the Cafe du Nord to see Jay on Sunday night, even if he was without his cohorts! Lucky for me, opening act Milk Carton Kids helped to fill any imaginary void. Continue reading “Show Review: Jay Nash with Joey Ryan & Kenneth Pattengale at Cafe du Nord, 3/27/2011”

Show Review: Revolver with Hey Rosetta! and 7 Orange ABC at Rickshaw Stop, 3/11/11

Revolver giving us their sweet harmonies

Sometimes I like to know as little as possible when I go to shows, all I need is a recommendation from a friend of good taste and I’m off!  Seeing a great show from a band you know is fun, but even better is seeing a band you know nothing about and being blown away.  This show was one of those.

Show Review: Datarock with Dirty Ghosts and Baertur at Bottom Of The Hill, 3/10/2011

All the way from Norway - just to play for you
All the way from Norway - just to play for you

One constant source of confusion at concerts is what one should be doing as an idle member of the audience. For certain shows, there exists a code of conduct exclusively based on the genre of music, with little room for deviation: headbanging in heavy metal mosh  pits, dancing at hip-hop concerts, and standing awkwardly with arms crossed and a faint look of aloof interest, if one is attending an indie-rock show. Dance-rock shows are, therefore, perplexing to the crowd that cannot decide whether it should be dancing, rocking out, or somehow doing both. At a Datarock show, this confusion is overturned in the form of one simple rule: follow the band onstage, listen to what they say, and remain airborne for the duration of the performance.

Continue reading “Show Review: Datarock with Dirty Ghosts and Baertur at Bottom Of The Hill, 3/10/2011”

Show Review: The Dillinger Escape Plan in Yerba Buena Gardens at GDC, 3/2/2011

Oh, yes! 

Original Dillinger member Ben Weinman exhorts the crowd onward. Guitar above head in the middle of a song? Yes.

“Sometimes words just can’t express exactly how we feel. The deep complexity of our emotions is something I’ve always felt was better conveyed in song. Sometimes we are put into a situation that we don’t always know how to deal with quite right. Here’s my attempt at letting you know how I feel. All I can offer is my deepest thanks to everyone who sent a card, everyone who wrote about the situation in a zine, did a show, donated money at a show, or offered their sympathy to what amounts to be a stranger. You always put a smile on this cynical asshole’s face and helped me get through the hardest year of my life. I hope I’ll be seeing all of you soon.”

– From the liner notes of the Dillinger Escape Plan’s album Calculating Infinity by former bassist Adam Doll.

As Doll said, some emotions can’t be summed up neat and tidy through words. Sometimes what we feel can only be expressed through sound.

This is where the Dillinger Escape Plan excels. Continue reading “Show Review: The Dillinger Escape Plan in Yerba Buena Gardens at GDC, 3/2/2011”

Show Review: Morcheeba at The Warfield, 3/5/11

Thanks to flickr user avantard for use of the picture

About thirteen years ago, while waiting first in line to get in to a Portishead show at the very same venue, a girl gave me a promo cassingle, yes, a cassingle, of “The Sea.”  Some months later, I found myself at the The Fillmore, having one of the best times, seeing Morcheeba having one of the best times, performing that night.  It was during the height of their most treasure release Big Calm, and the at the peak of their buzz.  They shared a ridiculous amount of energy on stage, and that spark reflected mutually with the audience.  I can’t remember one person who wasn’t dancing that night.   Most often it’s very difficult for trip-hop bands to translate their sound in a full, warm, and lush manner, but somehow the simplicity of the music and the wizardry of the Godfrey brothers set them apart. Continue reading “Show Review: Morcheeba at The Warfield, 3/5/11”