Jason Bourne returns for his darkest, most intense (and uncharacteristic) mission yet.

One of the consistently enticing aspects of the Bourne film franchise was the mysterious history of the title character, Jason Bourne. Slowly but surely, spread throughout three films, we learned bits about Bourne’s past and the reasonings behind his dangerous predicament with the CIA, and seemingly just about every government agency out there. After a failed attempt to handover the franchise to another actor, Jeremy Renner (The Bourne Legacy — not playing Jason Bourne, mind you), we’re back with Matt Damon as Jason Bourne in…well…Jason Bourne. Non-ironically, this film reveals the most about Bourne’s past, leaving almost no mystery left by the time the end credits roll. Perhaps a little too much mystery is lost, in fact. Jason Bourne is still intense and darkly entertaining, with a welcome return to the brooding action spy hero for Damon.