Film Feature: Carrie’s Top 10 Films of 2024

The end of the year of course means Top 10 lists! Here are my ten favorite films of 2024 (and four honorable mentions). Oscar nominations follow in just a few weeks, on Friday,  January 17th. Stay tuned to see if Oscar voters share my thinking. And be sure to also check out fellow SP Film Critic Chad’s Top 20 list here.  In the meantime–see you back in the cinema in 2025!

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Film Review: “A Complete Unknown”

Mangold, Chalamet create a biopic worth a watch—and a listen

Bob Dylan (Timothée Chalamet) arrives in New York from Minnesota.

Writer/director James Mangold is no stranger to a music biopic. In 2006, Reese Witherspoon won a Best Actress Oscar for playing June Cash in Mangold’s Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line. The movie garnered four other nominations, including a nomination for Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Cash. Now, 18 years later, don’t be surprised if A Complete Unknown, Mangold’s dramatization of Bob Dylan’s rise to fame, yields similar awards for its exceptional cast. 

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