Show Review: Max Cavalera’s Schizophrenia

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @ARPhotoSF

Max Cavalera tours a lot. Max and his brother Igor G. are best known for starting the band Sepultura in the early 1980’s, and since leaving that behind nearly 30 years ago, he has Soulfly, Nailbomb, Go Ahead and Die, and Cavalera Conspiracy keeping him and the Cavalera family very busy. They have plenty of good reasons to perform for their fans as much as they do, and that is because there is so much music to play! In fact, alongside Max on this particular excursion, both in the band and crew, is drummer/brother Igor G., guitar/son Igor A., manager/wife Gloria, and merchandise/son Richie

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Show Review: Cavalera Conspiracy “Beneath / Arise”, Great American Music Hall, 06/17/2022

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @ARPhotoSF

It seems like every band these days is doing anniversary and album anniversary tours.  Maybe the band has been around 10, 25, 50 years?  Maybe their most popular album has been around long enough for their fans (or the music press in general) to consider it a classic record?  Most generally wait for a milestone year, 10 at least, before doing it, and it always seems to be on the 5- or 10- year increment.  

Max and Iggor Cavalera founded Sepultura in 1984. The 40th anniversary of that band is coming up in 2024, although both have not been in it since 1996 and 2006, respectively (only the bass player is a near-original member). The Cavalera’s may not be able to tour using the name Sepultura, but they can still celebrate the early albums that they took part in writing and recording.  Despite the odd number of years since they were released (33 and 31 years), Cavalera Conspiracy decided to go against the grain and tour exclusively on these two albums!