Spinning Platters Interview: Eva Hendricks of Charly Bliss

I’ll admit it. I never thought I’d see another Charly Bliss record. When COVID struck, the lead singer, songwriter, and lyricist, Eva Hendricks, had been in Australia and ended up moving there. How does a New York-based band survive when their singer lives on the opposite side of the world at a time when travel was nearly impossible?

Then, one day, after three years of silence, a new song appeared. Then another. Finally, we got the exciting news that a new album and tour were right around the corner. That album, Forever, comes out this Friday, August 16, on the UK-based label Lucky Number. It not only sounds like what we’ve heard before from Charly Bliss, but it is also a step forward in both songwriting and lyricism. 

How did this happen? How did the band keep it all together and get to the point where they were going to keep this band going forever? I hopped on Zoom with Eva, 17 hours ahead on the clock in Australia, to find out! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Interview: Eva Hendricks of Charly Bliss”