Dakin’s in Florida this week, so when he sent me his Bay Area concert guide for this week, it was a bunch of shows happening in the Tampa Bay Area. I know some of you would fly down to Tampa to see Styx, REO Speedwagon and Night Ranger share the stage at the state fairgrounds on Friday night, but most of you want to know what’s happening back here in the San Francisco Bay Area. So I’ve scrapped Dakin’s otherwise useful column (Attack Attack! at the State Theater in St Pete? We’re there!) and brought you some shows to check out here at home.
Wednesday, October 28
Amy Millan plus Bahamas at Cafe Du Nord, 8:30 PM
Amy Millan is both the lead singer of Stars and one of the core members of Broken Social Scene. She recently released an album called Masters of the Burial that features a few covers and some original songs, so you can expect her to sing most of these songs, plus lots of other surprises. Her solo stuff tends more toward country, so expect to hear her sweet voice with a little more twang than you might hear at a Stars show.
En Vogue at Yoshi’s Oakland, 8PM & 10PM (two shows)
All four original members are back together. Someone told me they’d have the chance to see this, and I said “you’re never gonna get it,” yet here it is. Free your wallet, and this show will happen for you. Also Thursday and Friday night, though Friday nights’ shows are sold out.
Thursday, October 29
The Dodos plus Ruby Suns at Bimbo’s 365 Club, 8PM
I keep missing the Dodos at local music events, so it’s finally time for me to go see them. I’m completely convinced I’ve seen Meric Long (the lead singer) as a solo artist somewhere along the way, and really liked him. That makes sense, because they do a great job of mixing being great musicians with being great songwriters. Their newest album was produced by Phil Ek, who is the greatest indie rock producer of all time.
Shonen Knife at Rickshaw Stop, 8PM
I’m just going to strongly state here that you have no excuse for missing Japanese pop punk legends Shonen Knife this week. Not only do they play here tonight, but also at the Blank Club in San Jose on Friday the 30th and at the Uptown in Oakland on Sunday, November 1. Don’t miss out!
Friday, October 30
Art Brut plus Princeton at Cafe Du Nord, 7:30PM & 10:30 PM (two shows)
The late show will be the recommended one here if you’re over 21; otherwise, the early show will need to do. By the time the night show rolls around, Eddie Argos, lead singer of Art Brut, should have spent plenty of time being bought drinks by his fans, and the stories that make up the band’s songs and stage banter will have grown exponentially more interesting. An Art Brut show never fails to entertain.
Regina Spektor with guests Jupiter Sun at The Fox Oakland, 8PM
Evil 105’s Subsonic Halloween Spookfest at The Cow Palace, 6:30 PM (The Faint, Basement Jaxx, Infected Mushroom, Crystal Method, Steve Aoki and a whole bunch more)
Friday night is pretty jam packed, as you probably couldn’t go wrong with either of the shows above, or some combination of all three. Regina Spektor for some lively piano melodies, and then scoot off to the Cow Palace to dance or to Cafe Du Nord to rock out. Don’t make any plans for Saturday morning.
Saturday, October 31
Super Diamond plus Knights of Monte Carlo at Bimbo’s 365 Club, 9PM
BC/DC at The Mezzanine, 8PM
I’m no fan of tribute bands usually, but if you’re gonna see one, it ought to be on Halloween. With that in mind, I recommend getting dressed up in costume and seeing one of the best tribute bands in history at Bimbo’s, or a tribute to one of the best bands in history at The Mezzanine. Either way, you’ll have a great time. Remember, BART runs normal hours on Halloween night, so if you’re coming from the East Bay, look up the schedule for the All Nighter, AKA the drunk bus.
Sunday, November 1
UFO with Travis Larson Band at The Independent, 8PM
Skinny Puppy, Vverevvolf Grehv and EUSTACHIAN at The Regency Ballroom, 8PM
While the kids are off seeing Lucero at the Mezzanine or taking pictures of Amber Coffman at the Dirty Projectors show at Bimbo’s, I’m recommending you check out some legends to cure your Halloween hangover (that is, if you drink). Check out metal legends UFO–whatever their lineup might be these days–and get absolutely rocked. Or you could go see industrial legends Skinny Puppy–whatever their lineup might be these days–and get absolutely rocked.
Monday, November 2
Armin Van Buuren at Ruby Skye, 9PM
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “Ruby Skye? Really?” The truth is, I love a great trance DJ on a Saturday night after kicking back a few vodka tonics. What’s this? It’s Monday? Oh, well in this case, expect the crowd to be filled only with people who really love the music, which should make it the best crowd in the history of this club.
Big Business with Triclops at Bottom of the Hill, 10PM
I’ve only heard a few minutes of this band, and they’re good enough, but I really just wanted another excuse to link to this poster.
Tuesday, November 3
Rob Zombie with Nekromantix and Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures at San Jose Events Center, 7:30PM
Just in case you have some instant Halloween nostalgia, you can take the drive down to San Jose and live your three-days-ago joy all over again.
Balloon Boy!