Dakin’s really busy this week, and frankly, I’m not. I don’t have a day job right now, so I can spend all day finding the absolute best shows for you to go to! Which ones are those this week? Read on to find out.
Thursday, January 12
Stanton Warriors with Syd Grys, Melyss and Mike Butler at Public Works
Sometimes in life, all you want to do is dance. Like the guys in the video below. And I’ll be there, doing just that.
I the Mighty with A Lot Like Birds and Just Like Vinyl at Bottom of the Hill
The first time I saw these guys, they opened up in the tiny basement of Blake’s. Blake’s is long gone, but I The Mighty rocks on, and now they’re headlining Bottom of the Hill, a club that will never close! (If it ever comes close to closing, there will be massive benefits to keep it going; trust me on this one.) Support local music!
Friday, January 13
Devo with The Punk Group at The Fillmore (also Saturday night)
Are you not a man? Are you Devo? Get yourself to The Fillmore this week to see the used-to-be-semi-retired-but-now-consistently-touring legends while they are still most of what I just said. No other band in the history of music sounds like them, so if you’ve never seen them, you’re missing out on an entire genre of music.
Tempest at The Starry Plough (no advance tickets — buy ’em at the door)
If freedom of choice is really what you want, you could go see a classic celtic folk metal band in Berkeley. I’ll quote my currently Portland based friend Drave about seeing Tempest: “I find Tempest shows to be very life-affirming and strangely motivational; they are one of the things i miss most about the Bay Area.” Are you in the Bay Area? Find out what you’re missing.
Saturday, January 14
Devo with The Punk Group at The Fillmore
Did I forget to mention the oddball openers, The Punk Group? I shouldn’t have.
Amy Miller at The Purple Onion
It’s a big week for Spinning Platters. We got ourselves an actual comedy editor, OJ Patterson, and SF Sketchfest is around the corner. So we’re celebrating by seeing friend of Spinning Platters, Amy Miller, do her first headlining gig at the world famous Purple Onion.
Sunday, January 15
Andy Grammer with Ryan Star and Rachel Platten at Great American Music Hall
Do you miss the way Maroon 5 used to sound before they went off the rails with that “Moves Like Jagger” abomination? Me, too! Thankfully, here’s Andy Grammer to fill in the happy-go-lucky sensitive pop/funk/rock gap. Seriously, though, see this guy before he blows up. It’s happening.
Monday, January 16
The Harlem Globetrotters at HP Pavilion
It’s your day off. How about going down to San Jose for an afternoon with the Harlem Globetrotters? That bucket of water? It’s just confetti. I always root for the Washington Generals myself.
Tuesday, January 17
Cirque Du Soleil – “Michael Jackson the Immortal” at Oracle Arena (also Wednesday)
I have no idea what this is going to be. Choreographed acrobatics to Michael Jackson songs? Probably. A bunch of dancers doing the Thriller dance? Probably. A corny visual spectacular? Most definitely. I have no idea what this is going to be, but I do know it’ll be awesome. I so want to go.
Jack Jones at The Rrazz Room
This show may or may not be exciting and new.
Wednesday, January 18
I’ve got nothing.