It was a happy Friday the 13th to start this year’s epic SF Sketchfest Journey. Full of delicious burrito and needing some relief from a long day at work I was excited to get the funny started. On top of that all proceeds for this show are being donated to Planned Parenthood so it felt good to be in the company of people trying to help this messed up world. Bring on the Crabapples!
Caitlin Gill and Bobcat Goldthwait host the show and have an amazing rapport. They are roommates and seem like good friends just having a super funny conversation on stage. It makes the show feel much more intimate than it is, like you’re invited to a party with these comedians, not that you’re just in the audience watching. The format is the same as most stand-up showcases, hosts talk a bit, then call up a comedian, then the talk some more, another comedian, etc. It works well as a format, so no complaints here. At least if you’re not enjoying a comedian you know the hosts you like will be back soon.
First up for the night was Natasha Muse. I’ve seen her a few times and enjoyed her. This time it felt like she was frustrated with the audience and their subdued response. I felt like most people liked her and were laughing, but the theater was no where near full and it was a late show, so I’m sure our laughs were mellow-er than she wanted. The next comedian was actually a drag comedian named Meatball. Caitlin Gill encouraged the audience to have dollar bills ready and she did a fun bit lip synching to Whitney Houston. I enjoyed it but it did feel like a weird venue for it.
After that when the hosts came out it was immediately apparent that there was an imposter. Pretty quickly you could tell that Eugene Merman was impersonating Bobcat Goldthwait by wearing his hat and scarf. They did a fun bit where Caitlin complained about him as a roommate then Bobcat appeared tied to a chair. Once that was done the three of them goofed off and talked and it was all quite fun.
So when Brent Weinbach hit the stage the audience’s energy was much better. He’s not exactly my style with his deadpan delivery and one liners but his jokes have improved a lot since last time I saw him. Some of his stuff was delightfully dark and he got great responses from the crowd.
Then the last comedian was Steve Agee and he just killed it! I hadn’t seen him for a while and it made me sad that I’ve been missing out on all this joy. His set felt really personal and off the cuff while being polished and well put together at the same time. I definitely recommend checking him out next time you get the chance.
Once the show was over Caitlin and Bobcat, our Crabapples, sold and signed custom posters for the show. Again the proceeds went to Planned Parenthood which is great. I kinda wish I had bought one. They were great posters, but alas, I am sooooooo poor. So I left, knowing I’m always too starstruck to bother trying to talk to people. All this makes it sound sad, but I swear, it was a great start to my Sketchfest. Maybe Friday the 13th’s are just confusing days.