Spinning Platters Picks Six: Hidden Music Gems on Youtube

Shhhh.  Don't tell the record label that this video is out there.
Shhhh. Don't tell the record label that this video is out there.

Many an hour in my life has been spent hunting down classic music moments on Youtube.  From live performances that have never been released on home video–only a moment from being removed by a copyright holder–to modern-day music videos, Youtube is a treasure trove of musical moments.  So although I’m picking only six today, you can be sure that I’ll be picking six again.   Here are six Youtube music videos I can watch over and over again, and do. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Hidden Music Gems on Youtube”

Spinning Platters Picks Six: Rock Poster Artists

Does Daniel Danger make my picks?
Does Daniel Danger make my picks?

If you come to my apartment, you’d see walls coated with rock posters, boxes full of poster tubes, and a giant flat file under the bed with even more posters. So to kick off this feature, where Spinning Platters writers will pick six of something in music that they really like, I’m going to share a quick list of some of my favorite poster artists.

I’m not trying to make a “Best Of” list here, just sharing some of my personal favorites. I’d love to see comments about your favorites, so leave them in the comment section. That way I’ll know of more artists on which to spend my money! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Rock Poster Artists”