The Insiders’ Guide to the Treasure Island Music Festival (Updated for 2015)

A Treasure Island sunset, courtesy of Kelly Hoffer
A Treasure Island sunset, courtesy of Kelly Hoffer

This weekend’s Treasure Island Music Festival has quickly become my favorite musical event of the year. There are no conflicting set times, so you can see everyone on the bill. The size of the festival is fairly small, so it’s easy to get around. The setting in the middle of San Francisco Bay is absolutely stunning. And something about all of these combine to keep the people going in a relaxed, pleasant mood that makes being there all the more enjoyable.

Now, you might think going to this festival is as easy as hopping in your car and going to the festival to enjoy some music, but you’d be wrong. Read on, and I’ll teach you how to avoid rookie mistakes. (Updated for 2015 by Dakin Hardwick)

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Film Review: Avengers Age of Ultron

Not so much a movie as it is an issue of a comic book series drawn by a great artist.

Just one of the impressive splash pages from Age of Ultron

You’ve already decided if you’re seeing Avengers Age of Ultron. You are. Of course you are. Everybody who sees movies on a regular basis is seeing this movie, and you’re not making a bad decision. You’ll see things on screen that can only exist in the world of modern big budget comic book cinema. This means you’ll get the good with the bad. You’ll get some action scenes that are truly fun to look at, displaying true artistry from the stunt team, choreographers, and effects house. What you won’t get are the stakes that will make you truly feel these scenes.

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Film Review: Furious 7

The seven things you want and need to know about Furious 7 before you go see it.

Vin Diesel and Jason Statham crash a lot of cars in Furious 7
Vin Diesel and Jason Statham crash a lot of cars in Furious 7

Sometimes you’ll hear people talk about a movie as being review-proof. This is one of those times. There’s nothing anyone could do or say to keep you away from Furious 7 if it’s something you already want to see. And if you don’t care, there’s nothing I could say to make you care. So what’s the point? I could tell you it’s a rollicking good time for most of its length, and then it devolves into some pretty dumb stuff, too dumb even for itself. It’s basically a bunch of video game levels with some unskippable cut scenes that you wish you could skip.

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Film Review: CHAPPiE

I hated every character in this movie, including the stupid robot.

Chappie stars as CHAPPiE
Chappie stars as CHAPPiE

Let’s get what’s good about this movie out of the way quickly. It won’t take long. The effects are amazing. It’s incredible to think about how far we’ve come with effects, where you can watch a robot walk, talk and fight, and never for a moment think that it’s just a CGI creation. The visual effects team nailed it, and I would be absolutely OK with them winning whatever awards, or garnering any accolades, because they deserve it. Holy crap. The rest of the movie? I can’t believe I made it to the end.

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Countdown to SXSW: Big Data and/or Joywave

Big Data and Joywave on Late Night with Seth Meyers
Big Data and Joywave on Late Night with Seth Meyers on NBC, in a video that has sadly been wiped from the internet.

Here’s a tough one. I have no idea if I’m a fan of Big Data or Joywave. Maybe I’m a fan of both. What I do know is that their single, “Dangerous,” has been on heavy rotation for me since the first time I heard it blasting out of my car’s speakers on Live 105. The main riff is just so driving and infectious, the wandering drums that punctuate the beats are addictive, and the vocal melody fits perfectly. So who do I actually like? Big Data or Joywave? Let’s figure that out together. Continue reading “Countdown to SXSW: Big Data and/or Joywave”

Countdown to SXSW: Sorting Out an Eight Band Clash

Taking any excuse to put up an image from Clash of the Titans, the 1981 original.
Our editor will take any excuse to put up an image from Clash of the Titans, the 1981 original.

Watching bands get announced for SXSW is always fun. These giant lists, featuring hundreds of bands each, get released, and if you’ve heard of a handful of them before seeing the list, you deserve a prize. So what I do is start throwing the bands that sound promising into a giant playlist, and weed these thousand-or-so bands into a few dozen. Then I add them to My Schedule on the SXSW site, and as their showcases get announced, the website sorts them by time and date for me. Thanks, website!  Continue reading “Countdown to SXSW: Sorting Out an Eight Band Clash”

Countdown to SXSW Music 2015: Will Butler

Will butler
Will Butler doing his day job


Today, Will Butler released his debut solo album, Policy. Longtime Arcade Fire fans have vastly differing opinions on the less famous Butler brother. Some think of him as a coattail rider, acting like a spaz on stage with a band with which he has no business being on stage. Others, such as myself, look at him as an important multi-instrumentalist and bringer of manic energy. His behavior in the early days was crazy, even a little scary, and I’ve always enjoyed him. What he’s done with his solo career is a surprise by any estimation. Continue reading “Countdown to SXSW Music 2015: Will Butler”

Film Review: Focus

A smooth, fun star vehicle for Will Smith and Margot Robbie

Will Smith and Margot Robbie in Focus
Will Smith and Margot Robbie in Focus

I love a good con man movie. My favorites are The Sting, The Spanish Prisoner, House of Games, and Diggstown. Each of these movies features both the players in the film being conned as well as the audience. Focus doesn’t enter the realm of classic cinema, but it’s stylish, fun, and full of joyous reveals. Everything else I’m about to say is unnecessary exposition. Who wants to know the details of a good con?

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Noise Pop 2015 Has Arrived, and It’s Brought the Best Music Venue in the City With It


What’s the best music venue in San Francisco? Ask this question in a crowd of concert junkies, and everyone will have a different answer. Then mention Swedish American Hall to them, and you’ll probably hear something like “Oh that place was so great!” And it was, it is, and will continue to be, as the fine folks at Noise Pop have taken over events curation there, and will be bringing their taste to what was always the most tasteful place for music in the entire city. This is like a euphoria of tastefulness. And last night’s kickoff event with Ben Gibbard and Zach Rogue was just the beginning. Continue reading “Noise Pop 2015 Has Arrived, and It’s Brought the Best Music Venue in the City With It”

Film Review: Hot Tub Time Machine 2

Did everyone writing this go back in time to when they were nine years’ old?

Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry and Clark Duke, in the funniest scene in Hot Tub Time Machine 2
Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry and Clark Duke, in the funniest scene in Hot Tub Time Machine 2

Comedy sequels always suck. Like a sketch being brought back on Saturday Night Live, they use the same catch phrases, the same jokes, and oftentimes even the same plot. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is no exception, in that it sucks, but at least it’s different from the original in a few key ways: the star actor (John Cusack) has gone missing, our gang goes into the future instead of the past, and there are way more gross-out jokes. Did I say the changes were good?

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