Fanboy Ramblings: “The Avengers”

Hulk smashes in Marvel's The Avengers
This film is a Hulk Smash! (There, I said it. Now put it on a poster.)

For a well-thought-out, articulate, reasoned, educated review, I strongly suggest you click over to Jason LeRoy’s official review of The Avengers. For the ramblings of someone who’s read too many comics, seen too many comic movies at midnight, and overanalyzes every darn thing past the point of usefulness, read on. Continue reading “Fanboy Ramblings: “The Avengers””

Film Review: “The Raven”

John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe in THE RAVEN

starring: John Cusack, Luke Evans, Alice Eve, Brendan Gleeson, Kevin McNally

screenplay by: Ben Livingston and Hannah Shakespeare

directed by: James McTeigue

MPAA: Rated R for bloody violence and grisly images

Continue reading “Film Review: “The Raven””

Show Review: fun. at Bottom of the Hill, 3/29/2012

Sometimes when a band has a giant hit song, they cancel their long-ago-booked club gig to move into a bigger venue at a higher price. This has happened recently with Gotye, and it’s kind of a bummer for early adopters who were excited about seeing a beloved band in a small club. And other times, the band keeps those dates and plays a fantastic show to a small, ecstatic group of their biggest fans. This week, San Francisco won because the band with the current number one single in America, the ubiquitous “We Are Young,” played at both The Independent and Bottom of the Hill, and in doing so, proved that they are definitely not going to be one hit wonders. They’ll play the big rooms next time around. Continue reading “Show Review: fun. at Bottom of the Hill, 3/29/2012”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/15/12-3/21/12

The guys who baked these rolls are at the Fillmore on Tuesday night.

Just because half of the music blog world, including many Spinning Platterers (Spinning Platypuses?), are off in Austin at SXSW doesn’t mean that the music stops up here in the Bay Area. We’ve even got a unique and fantastic event this coming weekend that will blow the lid off of anything being offered down South this weekend. And no, that’s not just me being envious of those partying in Austin, although I am. So those of us left behind, we so-called SXSF folks, where will we be? Read on! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/15/12-3/21/12”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/9/12-3/14/12

Opening for Guster at Palace of Fine Arts on Wednesday

This weekly show preview is a day late. This makes me very Twilight Sad because that was the show I would have told you to see. Because of this, I’m going to have make up for my mistake, and suggest even better shows than normal. So stick with me; this next week is going to be fun. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/9/12-3/14/12”

Smash Blogging: Episodes 1 and 2

Getting the last laugh. Where's your Taylor Hicks now?

It’s about time we popped the cherry on television reviewing on Spinning Platters. Any time there’s a new NBC show about the creation of a new Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe starring an American Idol runner-up, we’ll be there! Even better if the hype machine is dialed up high, saying it’s going to be an “adult Glee.” I mean, I’m an adult, and I think Glee sucks, so this must be the show for me. And is it ever? It’s everything I’d hoped it would be, and also far, far less. It’s a fascinating, horrible mess, and I’m hooked after two episodes of diverse quality (one’s good; one sucks). Let me explain why. Continue reading “Smash Blogging: Episodes 1 and 2”

5 Things I Learned at the 10th SF MusicTech Summit on 2/13/2012

Photo by Kara Murphy
Legal issues were all the rage at the SF MusicTech Summit, but I've never concerned myself much with the law in this area.

This week was the 10th SF MusicTech Summit at The Hotel Kabuki in Japantown, and while Spinning Platters has been covering this event since the beginning, this was the first time I personally got to attend. The event serves mainly as a chance for everyone in the music tech world to catch everyone else up on what they’re doing, congratulate themselves on how well they’re all doing, and look for money and engineers; however, sometimes you can learn things. Here’s what I learned. Continue reading “5 Things I Learned at the 10th SF MusicTech Summit on 2/13/2012”

Sketchfest Review: w00tstock Founders’ Night at Marines Memorial Theater, 1/29/12

This was the backdrop for most of the night, so you can enjoy it as you relive the evening.

Reviewing w00stock is a silly concept. I’ve done it once before. Because the event is performed under the Creative Commons non-commercial, attribution, share alike license (as is this website), the entirety of the thing is online in video form for your viewing pleasure. But which videos are the best? That’s the hard part. So rather than a standard review, I’ll instead give you a guided tour to The Best of w00stock Founders’ Night, as found on the Internet. Continue reading “Sketchfest Review: w00tstock Founders’ Night at Marines Memorial Theater, 1/29/12”

Sketchfest Review: The Meltdown with Kumail Nanjiani, Jonah Ray and many more at Cobb’s Comedy Club, 1/28/2012

This one was taken in the actual world famous comic book store.

On Wednesdays, in Los Angeles, you can go to Meltdown Comics and see comedy in the back of a comic book store. On Saturday night in San Francisco, hosts Kumail Nanjiani and Jonah Ray brought the comics but left the store behind. What this meant is that  we were treated to a  long and varied night of stand-up from a number of Meltdown regulars without a single back issue in sight.  A small group of Spinning Platters writers were there, and Marie Carney and I are going to take on the task of telling you as much as possible about each comedian while saying as little as possible, and of course not burning material. That’s right: capsule reviews! Continue reading “Sketchfest Review: The Meltdown with Kumail Nanjiani, Jonah Ray and many more at Cobb’s Comedy Club, 1/28/2012”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 1/26/12-2/1/12

Tickets to see this guy go on sale Friday morning, but his pants are opening for Wilco all throughout the Bay Area this week.

The brain of Dakin Hardwick, our managing editor, looks like this right now: Sketchfest, Sketchfest, Sketchfest. So when he sat down to write our weekly guide to Bay Area Concerts, he just wrote “Sketchfest” next to everything.  Now, I’m going to deny that you should be going to lots of Sketchfest events (and then reading about them here on Spinning Platters), but there are a few concerts worth mentioning this week. And if I mention a Sketchfest event, too, well …

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 1/26/12-2/1/12”