Show Review: Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem, Shoreline Amphitheater, June 30, 2013

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @ARPhotoSF

Mountain View. California. Sunny. 82°.

With every meteorologist proclaiming the apocalypse across the West Coast, it was not as miserably hot as was expected. Yet with the arrival of the first band of the annual Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, the heat (and volume) was definitely turning up, and for the duration of the day, more than a baker’s dozen worth of bands played across four stages, culminating with the sun setting just in time for Rob Zombie to heat it up again with plenty of fire and pyro!

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Show Review: Stryper with Cry Wolf, Skinner and Radio Friendly at Avalon Night Club, 3/5/2011

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @ARPhotoSF

777 Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara looks like any other nondescript building in any other shopping plaza.  Tonight however, there is a tour bus parked in plain view in front, and upon further inspection of the parking lot, there is a sign (from God?): “3-5 Stryper”.  Although the number “777” is not actually referenced by the Bible, the number “7” is traditionally associated with divine perfection.  So it is with little surprise that Stryper’s return to the Bay Area would be to the hallowed grounds known as the Avalon Night Club. Continue reading “Show Review: Stryper with Cry Wolf, Skinner and Radio Friendly at Avalon Night Club, 3/5/2011”