Film Review: Her

Cyber love is a many-splendored thing!

A future where someone looking like this (above) isn't creepy.
A future where someone looking like this (above) isn’t creepy.

Spike Jonze has delivered a cinematic gem once again, this time in the form of the incredibly touching, heartfelt, and honest, Her.  Her marks the first time Jonze has been the sole writer of one of his directorial efforts, and his remarkable talent is on full display.  There’s a lot of perspective and emotions to be gained from this simple story about the romantic relationship developed between a lonely writer and an operating system.  There are a lot of things that could’ve gone wrong, too, but all are avoided.  First and foremost, the glue that manages to bind all the odd and challenging (and borderline creepy) pieces together is its believability.  Thanks to Jonze’s poignant script and memorable performances by Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, Her bridges the gap between what we fear technology may become and an ideal version of what technology could accomplish, presented in the form of a romance more sincere than most romances dare to be.

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