Spinning Platters Guide To Noise Pop 2012

For the last 20 years, the good folks of Noise Pop have turned a single show at Kennel Club (now known as The Independent) into a huge, weeklong festival that causes Bay Area music nerds to clear their calendar every year. In recent years, the fest has expanded beyond music- we have movies, craft fairs, and literary events in addition to one of the best programmed music fests you will ever go to. Go to 2012.noisepop.com for a full listing, but if you want to know what I think you should go to, follow the jump!

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Guide To Noise Pop 2012”

Show Review: Little Boots, Dragonette and Class Actress at The Fillmore, 3/9/10

Casting another glance at the sound guy? (Photos of Little Boots by David Price.)

At 6:00, I was crowded into the country section at Amoeba waiting to watch Little Boots perform a short in-store at Amoeba. She played four songs there, all solo, sang them beautifully (including a Kate Bush cover), and then proceeded to sign copies of her album as I made my over to The Fillmore to see her full band set. Little did I know that only hours later, I’d be trying to defend her to people, for The Fillmore show was not a good night for Little Boots. All was not lost, though, as there was definitely one band worth seeing. Continue reading “Show Review: Little Boots, Dragonette and Class Actress at The Fillmore, 3/9/10”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/3/10-3/9/10

Appearing at Bottom Of The Hill this weekend. Also opening for Vampire Weekend next month. This dude is pretty hip.

Kind of exciting… SXSW Music starts in only two weeks, which means that a whole lot of great bands are starting to tour. Expected hippest of the uber-hyped to be coming around these parts. Here’s the very beginning of it: Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/3/10-3/9/10”

New Release Round Up 2/9/10 – 28 Instant Album Reviews

Neither the author nor Spinning Platters recommend smoking this many cigarettes at once.

I didn’t think I was going to finish up this week. Got sick through the middle. But the fortunes smile on all of you, your reviews are here. Continue reading “New Release Round Up 2/9/10 — 28 Instant Album Reviews”