Show Review: Hockey with Asa Ransom and fakeyourowndeath at Bottom of the Hill, 1/15/10

It's Hockey, but he's not singing Oh Canada.

I like going to see hockey. I’m always telling people that they can’t appreciate hockey unless they see it live. You can’t see the speed, the positioning, or really feel the hits unless you’re in the arena. But what about Hockey, the band? Do you need to see them live to truly appreciate them? Do they bring something to the table live that you just can’t hear on their excellent record, Mind Chaos? Continue reading “Show Review: Hockey with Asa Ransom and fakeyourowndeath at Bottom of the Hill, 1/15/10”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 13th-January 19th

I like to put funny photo that spoofs the band name. But, when your band is Styx, and you look like this, I have to just put up a picture of Styx.

This week is the beginning of Sketchfest. We already have that covered, so how about some music? Eh? How about Styx? Did you know Styx were playing? I think it’s awesome that you will get to see Styx.

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 13th-January 19th”