Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts: 2016-07-04 – 2016-07-10

Carl Brutananadilewski of Aqua Teen Hunger Force demonstrating the abilities of The Foreigner Belt. (Got burned a bit by his tanning bed earlier.)
Carl Brutananadilewski of Aqua Teen Hunger Force demonstrating the abilities of The Foreigner Belt. (Got burned a bit by his tanning bed earlier.)

July Fourth, 2016! Wooooo! Yeah! Our country is still here! Let’s celebrate!

If you’d like to add to your celebrations this week in The Bay Area with a concert, I’ll tell you what we’ve got coming up: caricatures, drugs, dogs, and culture that you don’t have to pay for.

So, let’s preview. Time to preview. It’s time to preview now and now here are the previews.

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts: 2016-07-04 – 2016-07-10”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts: 2016-04-01 – 2016-04-05

In the spirit of having a joke-free April Fool's Day.
In the spirit of having a joke-free April Fool’s Day.

April Fool’s Day is a hellscape filled with brands attempting to be funny. Don’t encourage them.

No fooling here, it’s preview time. This week in the Bay Area, we have local punk rock, queercore, nerdcore, a flautist, a man who built his career upon eels, and a benefit about benefits.

Let’s preview. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts: 2016-04-01 — 2016-04-05”

Sketchfest Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Taking Over SF Sketchfest with Dana Snyder and Dave Willis at Marines’ Memorial Theater, 1/31/15


Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of those shows that has managed to stay pretty far under the radar. It’s heading into it’s 15th season on Adult Swim, making it the longest running show in Adult Swim history. I, personally, believe that it’s the most inventive of the adult cartoons. Tonight, we had the very rare opportunity to get to listen to the show’s creators, Dana Snyder and Dave Willis, talk about this long running program.

Continue reading “Sketchfest Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Taking Over SF Sketchfest with Dana Snyder and Dave Willis at Marines’ Memorial Theater, 1/31/15”